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  • 10 Body Art Optical Illusions That Will Make You Look Twice

    10 Bizarre Traditions That Still Observed Around the World

    10 Things Banned in Saudi Arabia

    10 Odd Couples, Ridiculous Relationships and Mad Marriages

    10 Incredible Science Facts You Didn't Learn In School

    Friday, October 20, 2017

    10 Unbelievable Facts About The Human Body

    Raaida Engineering
    10 Unbelievable Facts About The Human Body
    In our ongoing quest for wonderful facts about all manner of things, we have put together this great list of amazing facts of human body. These are the 10 most wonderful things about our bodies that, hopefully, are news to most of you.

    Thursday, October 19, 2017

    10 Unbelievable and Amazing Science Facts

    Raaida Engineering
    10 Unbelievable and Amazing Science Facts
    There is no doubt that science is amazing. That's why it is interesting and it attract people who love to discover the wonders of science. It is a short list of fascinating science facts you probably unaware of. I know this list is too much short. So I'll encourage you to make it bigger by sharing your knowledge about science facts in the comment section.

    Wednesday, October 11, 2017

    10 Shocking Facts about Hitler You Didn't Know About

    Raaida Engineering
    We know Hitler as the Führer, the most feared dictator of modern history. But there are a lot of facts that you don’t know about Adolf Hitler. He was a lover and loved, he painted beautyful pictures, and he slept through D-Day—and that’s just the beginning. For this reason, we thought among many of them we’d take a look at only 10 lesser known facts about this dislikeable dictator.

    Saturday, October 7, 2017

    10 true Facts about China Shockingly Weird!

    Raaida Engineering
    10 true Facts about China Shockingly Weird!

    China is 3rd largest country in the world. It has a mixture of unusual old traditions and new advancements, strange people and culture.
    Here, we've put together 10  unbelievable but verified true Facts about this incredible country.

    Wednesday, September 27, 2017

    10 behind story about Donald Trump’s Wives and girlfriends

    Raaida Engineering
    10 behind story about Donald Trump’s Wives and girlfriends
    The 45th  President of the United States has has a huge list of relationship with women. But many of you don’t know who has he dated and how many times has he been married? And the story behind all his relationships. Trump had affair from gorgeous Playboy models to superstar athletes. Here we will discuss about all nine women Donald Trump had relation with and some behind story about those relationships.

    Wednesday, July 26, 2017

    25 of the Most Creative Sculptures and Statues from Around the World

    Raaida Engineering
    25 of the Most Creative Sculptures and Statues from Around the World
    Every city that you visit has its own unique sculptures and statues, but some really make you look twice—and then some. The most unique and amazing sculptures known to capture the eyes of all who pass can be found tucked along secret streets and broadcasted in popular city squares.
    There are many sculptures and statues (both new and old) currently provoking conversation and intrigue. Join the fun looking through these photos of the top 25 most incredible statues and sculptures found throughout the world.

    Saturday, July 22, 2017

    10 Weird Animals You Didn’t Know Exist (List 11-20)

    Raaida Engineering
    10 Weird Animals You Didn’t Know Exist (List 11-20)
    The world is filled with exotic wildlife. There are a lot of species that are waiting to be discovered. Everyday new species are being discovered but do we know about all these species. Some of these species are so weird that its be very interesting to learn more about them. Today, we come up with a fascinating list, the 10 strange animals that you didn’t know are existed (List 11-20).

    Friday, July 21, 2017

    10 Weird Animals You Didn’t Know Exist (List 1-10)

    Raaida Engineering
    10 Weird Animals You Didn’t Know Exist (List 1-10)
    The world is filled with exotic wildlife. There are a lot of species that are lesser known to the general public and interesting to learn more about. Today, we come up with a fascinating list, the 10 strange animals that you didn’t know are existed.

    Thursday, July 13, 2017

    10 Scariest Roller Coaster Rides in the World

    Raaida Engineering
     Scariest Roller Coaster Rides
    Many of you have been to amusement parks and no doubt all of you love them. But how many of you like to be scared by mere rides? How many of you you experience the thrill of scariest ride? There is no better way than taking a trip to an amusement park and have your mind blown.  This is a list of ten scariest rides in the world. Majority of the rides discussed here are located United States, So if you live there you are lucky .You can share you experiences with us in the comments and let us know if we missed any.

    Friday, July 7, 2017

    10 Terrifying Creatures You’re Glad Are Extinct

    Raaida Engineering
    Terrifying Creatures
    There are certainly some frightening creatures nowadays. From spiders to that crazy deep sea anglerfish that haunts out nightmares. But if we look back to prehistoric times there were a lot more animals that were simply terrifying. Check out these 10 prehistoric animals that you definitely wouldn’t want to run into.

    2017, Wonder360d , a Baula Production